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2024年,365亚洲版教育者准备计划(EPP) earned national accreditation 从教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)获得本科执照课程和教育与教学硕士学位课程.

As the data on this page show, 我们的毕业生离开365亚洲版兴奋地与不同的学习者一起工作, skilled at planning rigorous and engaging instruction, and ready to be leaders in their schools. As a result, our graduates are in high demand.

EPP提供以下领域的执照:生物学(6-12年级), chemistry (grades 6–12), earth science (grades 6–12), elementary education (grades preK–6), English (grades 6–12), health and physical education (grades preK–12), history/social science (grades 6–12), mathematics (grades 6–12), mathematics: algebra I (middle school), physics (grades 6–12), Spanish (grades preK–12), special education: general curriculum (grades preK–12), theatre arts (grades preK–12), and visual arts (grades preK–12).

CAEP Accountability Measures

这里提供的数据和分析来自最近三个学年, providing a current snapshot of the EPP and our completers.


每年,我们都会邀请一些最近完成课程的学生参与案例研究. During the case study, we talk with completers, observe their teaching, examine their students’ academic growth, 并与他们的管理人员交谈,以更好地了解我们的项目完成者如何为他们的学生的学习做出贡献. 我们最近的三个案例研究可供参考.


Satisfaction of Employers

365亚洲版学院参与了弗吉尼亚教育评估协作(VEAC)雇主初步执照计划调查. 弗吉尼亚教育评估协作使用了一个通用的, 使用弗吉尼亚联邦统一绩效标准的语言和概念对项目完成者及其雇主进行标准化调查. Each year, 弗吉尼亚州的36个教育工作者准备项目调查了他们的项目完成者以及他们的雇主,以改进他们的项目并满足弗吉尼亚州教育部和CAEP的要求. By standardizing survey recruitment, timelines, and process, VEAC希望减少校长和行政人员每年为支持epp而完成的调查的复杂性. By benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, epp可以更好地了解自己的优势和需要改进的地方. 此外,VEAC提供了一种公共语言,并促进了对程序改进的讨论.

    Stakeholder Involvement

    365亚洲版学院EPP只是一个庞大的学校网络和其他组织的一部分,这些学校和其他组织致力于支持弗吉尼亚州和我们境外的学前班-12学生. Through our EPP Advisory Board, EPP与内部和外部合作伙伴密切合作,调查当地需求并对我们的项目进行更改. EPP顾问委员会每年召开2-4次会议,成员包括EPP教员, other Randolph faculty, college administrators, 周边学校的老师和管理人员, leaders from youth-serving community organizations, and current EPP students.


    Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion

    EPP使用多种形式的证据来监控考生的内容知识, pedagogical knowledge, classroom skills, dispositions, and development as professionals. As they approach program completion, candidates demonstrate their competency while completing two supervised student teaching placements; by planning, conducting, and presenting on an action research project; and by assembling a professional portfolio.

    Evidence of Candidate Competency During Student Teaching

    Student Teaching Effectiveness Evaluations

    Candidates’ Dispositions Evaluations

    Pupil Surveys




    Previous CAEP Reporting Measures


    考生还可以通过参加并通过教育部要求的专业教师评估来证明他们的能力 Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Per the 弗吉尼亚州教育项目审查和批准条例, VDOE将项目完成者定义为成功完成所有课程的个人, required assessments, including those prescribed by the Board of Education, and supervised student teaching or required internship.

    As reported on the three most recent VDOE biennial reports在美国,100%的课程完成者通过了教育委员会要求的执照考试.

    Student Loan Default Rates and Other Consumer Information

    综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)机构概况报告提供了多个机构数据指标的年度数据.g., Student Charges, Student Financial Aid, Net Price, Enrollment, Completions, Retention and Graduation, 和det365亚洲版措施)相关的365亚洲版学院的利益相关者. 这些数据可以为365亚洲版进行审查,并与其他机构进行比较. Data are updated annually and can be accessed here.

    全国平均学生贷款违约率是公开的 Federal Student Aid website.

    365亚洲版学院最近三年的违约率也可以从 Cohort Default Rate Database. Search using OPE-ID: 003734 or School: Randolph College.

    More Information

    For more information on the cost of attendance, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.


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